General information
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousands of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. Azerbaijan is one of the most ancient sites of humankind.
The humankind was present here at every stage of their historical development. There were living settlements in Azerbaijan even at the earliest stages of humankind. Azerbaijan made its own contribution into the establishment of the current culture and civilization, progress and dialectics.
Azerbaijan is a country of ancient culture. The Oguz tribes which moved here and stayed for ages, have found a deeply rooted culture and in their turn enriched it with Turkic national traditions. The talented and creative powers of our nation are personified in such epic monuments as “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”, “Oguzname” “Keroglu” and many others. This fertile, generous and friendly land was the home of many thinkers, philosophers, scientists, poets, architects, musicians and artists.
A legend tells that Zardusht was born in this land. Azerbaijan has always been famous for its sources of eternal fires – the atashgehs. There is a place called Yanardag (blazing mountain) in Absheron and thermal springs in some parts of Nakhichivan, Kelbejar, Masali, Lenkoran, Babadag. In Surakhani, there is an eternal fire place. From the ancient times the fire worshippers from remote places and even the Indian priests were coming to Absheron in search of fire and finding it here.Azerbaijan is currently involved into the implementation of huge energy projects. Oil and gas projects are successfully implemented in the Azeri Caspian sector.
Azerbaijan is a country, which plays an extremely important role in the Caspian and Caucasian regions, particularly in the development of transport infrastructure in the Caucasus and the implementation of energy projects. It was the region’s first country to explore the huge energy potential, to form an absolutely new economic model in the regional development, and to expand political and economic relations between Europe and Asia.
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Sadagat Tahmaz
Hello I’am Sadagat Tahmazova.I’am twenty six-years old.I graduated two university,Ganja State University in Azerbaijan and University of Lodz,in Poland.
Amina Tahmaz
Hello, I am Amina. I am twenty-one years old. I graduated University of Architecture and Construction.