Guba is one of the most beautiful cities in Azerbaijan. Founded in the 4th century, the city became a major trade center in the late 17th century. In 1735, as a result of Huseynali khan’s efforts, Guba became the most beautiful city, and then the capital of the khanate of the same name. Many magnificent buildings of that time have been preserved to this day. At the same time, Guba is famous for its unique villages that attract many tourists along with architectural examples.There  are a lot to see in Guba:

Nizami Park the oldest park in Guba

It is said that the park, named in honor of Nizami, was built in 1946 by German captives. The territory of the park is covered with greenery, fountains are rustling in the shade of trees. A monument to the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi has been erected in the park. Bas-reliefs depicting scenes from Nizami’s works are placed along the alley around the monument.

The building that attracts everyone’s attention in the park named after Nizami is the building of the Guba Chess School. The building, built five years ago, has all the conditions for the training of chess players, and about 350 chess players can compete in the competition hall at the same time.

Tourists can often be seen in the park. From the alley it is possible to descend the stairs to the ancient arched bridge over the Gudyalchay. Along the stairs there are various statues painted in golden water. This pedestrian bridge connects the alley with the Red Settlement, inhabited by mountain Jews.

Bakikhanov’s house-museum – 222 years of fame

Abbasgulu aga Bakikhanov (1794-1847) was the first Azerbaijani to become a military translator, diplomat and officer of the Russian army. Prominent historian, writer, scientist with encyclopedic knowledge grew up in Amsar village of Guba region. This year is the 222nd anniversary of his birth.

Bakikhanov arrived in Tbilissi (Georgia) in 1819 at the invitation of General Yermolov and worked as a translator for oriental languages ​​at the Caucasus General Military Department for 26 years. A. Bakikhanov, who traveled to the Middle East, died of plague in 1847 during the Hajj pilgrimage.

He is the author of five historical and literary works. The most famous of them is “Gulustani-Iram”. Written in Persian in 1841 and translated into Russian in 1843, the author reflects the history of Azerbaijan before the Gulustan peace treaty (1813).

In 1943, a museum of history and local lore named after A. Bakikhanov was established in the 19th century building in Guba, 93 Ardabil Street – in the house where the Bakikhanovs once lived. The museum with a total area of ​​742 square meters preserves more than 10,000 different exhibits. Every year more than 3,000 tourists visit the museum. The action “Spring in the Museum”, as well as the “Open Day” are held here. The house-museum of A. Bakikhanov is located in Amsar village.

Arched bridge

Gudyalchay bridge (Tagli bridge) is one of the seven bridges existing in Guba district in XVII-XIX centuries. This longest bridge was built in 1894 by Alexander III to strengthen Russia’s military presence in the Caucasus. In 1851, a wooden bridge was built over the Gudyalchay River, but its life was very short. Then it was decided to build a new bridge. Initially, the bridge was planned to be built on 19 poles, but due to landslides during construction, the bridge poles had to be reduced.

The bridge, built on fourteen poles, with a total length of 275 meters and a width of 8 meters, is built of baked brick. The structure of the bridge allows it to survive even in severe floods. This bridge, built in the XIX century, is the only one in Azerbaijan.

Today, the arched bridge, which is used only by pedestrians, offers a romantic view of the city. The bridge is protected by the state as an architectural monument.

The first Friday mosque of Guba

Near the city’s central park is one of the oldest mosques in Guba – the Juma Mosque, built in the early 19th century. It is also called Came. The mosque, which has a rich architectural style, was built of red brick in 1802 with the financial support of Gazi Ismail Efendi. The architecture of this temple is typical only for the mosques of Guba district. In appearance, it resembles a tongue cylinder, that is, it has a regular octagonal shape. The mosque has a large dome hall with a diameter of 16 meters. After the construction of the Juma Mosque in Guba, similar buildings began to appear in other districts of Azerbaijan.

Juma Mosque is one of the ancient religious centers not only in Guba, but also in the whole north-east of Azerbaijan. The mosque and its madrasah functioned until 1924. During the Soviet era, the Juma Mosque was closed. In 1933, the madrasa and the minaret were destroyed. After the restoration of Azerbaijan’s state independence, a new 50-meter-high minaret was erected in the mosque in the 1990s with the support of the Turkish Religious Affairs Administration.

Mrs. Sakina Mosque

A specific feature of this mosque of the XIX century is that it has a female name. This mosque was built by Abbasgulu aga Bakikhanov’s wife Sakina khanum in 1840-1854 to immortalize the memory of her husband.

The mosque amazes with its monumentality. The height of the nine-domed mosque is 27 meters. It is made of red brick and resembles a tongue cylinder. Each wall has a semicircular arched window. The facade is covered with an original cornice made of small bricks. The roof of this magnificent building is covered with a large white metal dome resembling a helmet. It is also surrounded by many languages. The center of the dome is decorated with a thin shaft.

During the construction of the Sakina khanum mosque,egg yolk and egg whites were used as a fastening element in the masonry.

During the Soviet era, there was a warehouse and a sewing workshop. In 1993, the mosque was restored and reopened as a place of worship.

Red Settlement is a Jewish village

Located on the outskirts of the city, on the right bank of the Gudyalchay River, the Jewish residents call themselves “Juhud.” They are also called mountain Jews. There are 13 synagogues in the settlement, but now two of them are functioning. At the time of the resettlement of the Jews, there were 360 ​​houses and 1200-1500 inhabitants. Today, about 4,000-5,000 Jews live in the Red Settlement.

The Jews of Guba are indebted to Huseynali khan and Fatali khan for their resettlement to this area. The migration of Jews took place during the reign of Nadir Shah (1736-1747). After the conquest of Guba, the Jews who came with Nadir Shah were settled in the area between the villages of Galaduz and Kupchal. The Jewish elders went to Huseynali khan’s palace (the khan’s summer palace was now in the place called “Dome Bath”) to ensure the safety of the community. The khan gave them a place in the upper part of the present Red Settlement. In 1765, Fatali khan moved the Jews to the area where they live today to protect them from night looting and sudden attacks.

Residents of the Red Settlement are mainly engaged in trade. They love luxury. Therefore, you can see large villas and expensive cars in the settlement.

Afurja waterfall

Afurja Waterfall is located on the Velvelichai river. Afurja Waterfall listed in the “Nature Monuments of Azerbaijan” and is protected by the state.The waterfall flows from a high rock situated near the village. A narrow 3-4-meter wide gangway leading underneath the waterfall causes a rush of adrenaline.The waterfall begins in the mountains and from about 70 meters high rock.

Natural Minaret

One of creations of the nature warn by the water in the rock is a Minaret.It is believed that its tectonic processes and river erosion were formed in the IV century.Minaret also serves as  a natural bridge at a height of 10-15 meters.

Chenlibel Lake

The lake is located near Nugedi village of Guba region. The place is beautiful, especially at dawn, as the mist above the water reflects the light of the rising sun.


Qechresh is one of the largest villages in the Guba region. It is located 12 km from the district center. There are many recreation centers in the village. The area is covered with forest on all sides. Qechresh is famous for its natural springs and plants.

The wild walnuts, hazelnuts, cranberry, hawthorn, hips, apples, pears and pine trees grown there.  As for the animal world, the village is a home for gazelles, wolves, bears, foxes and other animals. It is also possible to catch fish in Gudjalchay, which gives a special beauty to the village.


The meaning of the name of village is “the place between the mountains.” Valvalachay river passes through two mountains on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The road that passes through two mountains, steep cliffs as well as beautify forest make the view of this village charming.

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