Naftalan is a small town in western Azerbaijan. It is located almost 50km southeast of the city of Ganja. Naftalan and its surroundings are known for their large oil deposits. This can also be recognized by the name.
«Naphta» comes from Greek and means «oil», «alan» comes from the Azerbaijani word «take». Oil deposits are nothing unusual in Azerbaijan, which is rich in raw materials. According to legend the heavy loaded camel caravan moving from west to east had passed through and ancient Azerbaijani lands. The was one sick camel in the caravan. Whatever the caravan owner did for recovery of this camel but all was in vain. The camel became weaker and weaker and made the caravan delayedon road. When passed from the area full of the oily lakes the caravan owner freed the camel and said: It is better for camel to die in any of these lakes than to suffer from pains. As if the camel, which was freedunderstood the words of owner and get in one of these lakes nearby. And the caravan was distancing gradually.Certain time passed since then.When the camel caravan returning back they meet with one camel there.
The caravan owner called the sick, thin camel that he left here. But this camel was quite healthy and oil was dripping from its skin.Theydecided to trace the camel.They found that the camel got intothat oily lakes few times a day and lies under the sun. The traders from caravan also approached the lakes and oiled sores in their hands and legs. The traders saw their sores recovered soon. They took from that oil and filled in vessel to take it home. The oil like petroleum and the area of location of lakes were named as “Naftalan”that means the oily area.
Naftalan Therapy
Naftalan oil is unsurpassed unique factor in the medical world. Naphthalan – is a thick liquid consistency of black-and- brown color with a distinctive smell. the main means of influencing naftalanskoy naphthenic oils are hydrocarbons ( due to the presence in its composition cyclopentano – pernidrofenantrenovogo skeleton , which is a part of many enzymes , hormones and other physiologically active substances ) that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator , anti-allergic properties , and property activating the intensity of trophic functions and metabolic processes , stimulates the process of spermatogenesis , accelerating the processes of ovulation and oogenesis . All these features in many branches of medicine naftalan considered an indispensable method of treatment.
Diseases of the joints and periarticular soft tissues of the musculo – skeletal system .
- rheumatoid arthritis (a disease Sokolsky – Buyo in the passive phase of minimum activity) ;
- rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis minimal activity ;
- specific infectious arthritis, polyarthritis ( undulant fever , dysentery , viral arthritis ) ;
- deforming spondylosis, spondylarthrosis
- Coupled with other diseases arthritis , arthrosis : gout arthritis , benign polyarthritis , vibration disease.
- Diseases of the periarticular soft tissue and musculoskeletal system : Bourtsev, tenosynovitis , periarthritis, myositis, miofassit .
- Ankylosing spondylitis .
Naftalan joint disease is a method of pathogenetic treatment . To enhance the effect of this treatment , along with naftalan , comprehensive physical and drug treatment.
Skin diseases
- psoriasis
- eczema
- atopic dermatitis
- Sebareya
- pink versicolor
- boils
- Tsikoz and other pyoderma
- urticaria
- scleroderma
- itch
- wounds
- bedsores
- torpid ulcers
- ichthyosis
- Keratoderma and others.
Naphthalan naftalanskoy and drugs used to treat skin diseases since ancient times. The positive impact of Naftalan oil on the skin helps to stabilize kerotenizatsii , increasing the number of Langerhans cells in the epidermis and restore them even distribution.
Urologic disease
- Prostatitis , urethritis
- Infertility in men
In spas Naftalan conducted a comprehensive examination and treatment of urologic diseases , urinary and reproductive system, male erectile dysfunction , reproductive diseases of men and women. Gynecological Diseases
- Adenksit , salpingoforit
- parametritis
- endometritis
- Utilities , chronic recurrent coleitis
- amenorrhea
- dysfunction
- Infertility first and second degree
- menopause
- Connection pelvic peritoneal
Naftalan treatment of gynecological diseases has anti-inflammatory , desensitizing, total and partial immune-stimulating , soothing and neurotrophic effect , improves blood circulation of the pelvic organs .
Diseases of the ear , nose and throat
- tonsillitis
- pharyngitis
- laryngitis
- Renita
- Sinutsid
- antritis
- metopantritis
In many diseases ear , nose and throat are advised by naphthalan application. These applique , directly in the region of applicability of the pathological focus , anti-inflammatory , resolving, as well as an antiseptic effect .
Diseases of the Nervous System
- diseases of the central nervous system
- ateroksleroza initial stage in the arteries of the brain
- consequences of traumatic brain and spinal mozgat (concussion , contusion ) in the absence of serious traffic violations ;
- asthenic conditions and neyroastenicheskie ;
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
- sciatica, polyradiculitis , the last stage of infectious and toxic- allergic plexitis ;
- traumatic damage and peripheral nervous system effects do not require surgical reconstruction and having functional characteristics;
- trigeminal neuralgia, occipital nerve , sciatic nerve, and intercostal neuralgia ;
- neuritis of the facial , radial , ulnar , femoral nerve , nerve back of the leg and the front of the leg ;
- plexitis shoulder and neck- shoulder sciatica
The range of spa treatments, above all, is treated in resort conditions in the lap of nature away from the changes in the weather and daily home and work life of the patient . Fatigue and anguish resulting from stress and overwork everyday life are the main reasons for the passage of spa treatment at the health resorts of Naftalan .
Diseases of the peripheral veins
- endarteriit first and second stages ( atherosclerosis of vessels of extremities);
- Raynaud’s disease ;
- phlebitis ;
- thrombophlebitis;
- chronic osteomyelitis ( nonacute forms) ;
- keloid scarring after a burn .
Climatic conditions Naftalan particularly favorable for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the application of naftalan and iodine- bromine baths with the use of other physical therapy can achieve good results of treatment of peripheral arterial disease .